søndag den 12. februar 2012

YOUR favorite boots

Jeg lavede et tidligere indlæg om mine yndlingsstøvler, hvor jeg efterspurgte om nogen havde lyst til at vise sine yndlingsstøvler. Der var god stemning om ideen, hvilket gjorde mig rigtig glad, og folk ville gerne deltage, også når de blev spurgt - det var super dejligt.

In a previous post I made a post of my favorite boots and advertised people who would like to participate in a next post with pictures of their favorite boots. Everybody was positive about it and it makes me so happy - I really appreciate that they all liked to participate.

Here they come:

The owner: Katt

"Here's my favourite pair of shoes from Kazar. I have bought them a while ago and even though they're really hard to walk in, they will probably stay my favourite ones forever. There must be something special about them if even the most fashionable Parisian girls were complementing them, right?" 

"Her er mine yndlings sko fra Kazar. I har købt dem noget tid siden og selvom de er meget svære at gå i, så vil de sandsynligvis være mine yndlings for evigt. Der må være noget fashionabelt/moderigtigt ved dem hvis selv de mest mode rigtige piger fra Paris komplimenterer dem, ikke?" 

Owner: Miriam

"Dette er de første par støvler, jeg gik above and beyond for at få fingrene i. Jeg var hele internettet rundt og endte med at finde dem på den amerikanske eBay. De har (tydeligvis) fået en hel del tæsk med årene, men jeg elsker dem uendelig højt. Disse er fra Steve Madden, men det oprindelige design er Balenciagas - jeg havde bare ikke lige de 24.000 kr., originalerne kostede! ;)" 

"This is my first pair of boots were I went above and beyond to get them. I searched the internet and ended up finding them on the american e-bay site. They have (clearly) been used a lot through the years, but I love them infinite. These are by Steve Madden, the original design is by Balanciagas - but I didn't had the 24000 kr (approximate $ 4250) that the originals costed" 

Owner: Ine

"Perfect boots for the winter! I think they're really cute with the fake fur! These vintage boots are from "I love vintage". All my other boots are just simply actually, that is why I choose these ones." 

"Perfekte støvler til vinteren" I synes de er ret søde med den falske pels" Disse vintage støvler er fra "I love vintage". Alle mine andre støvler er ganske enkelt pratiske, og derfor valgte jeg disse." 

Owner: Josephine

"Læderstøvler fra River Island købt i England, mit absolutte yndlings shoppested og andet hjem :) De er fantastiske og kan tåle hvad som helst. De har været med i tykt og tyndt og bliver bare endnu flottere jo mere slidte de bliver :)" 

"Leather boots from River Island bought in England, my absolute favorite place to shop and my second home :) . They are fantastic and can take everything. They have been with me through thick and thin and get pettier the more wear and tear they get." 

Owner: Amalie

"Jeg har ikke nogen yndlings støvler, men jeg har nogen yndlings sko. Jeg har valgt at tage et billede af mine New Balance, som jeg er rigtig glad for. Jeg har virkelig brugt dem meget, hvilket man også kan se på billedet, hihi :-) Det er det bedste køb jeg har gjort mig. Jeg elsker virkelig at gå i sneakers!" 

"I don't have any favorite boots but instead I have a pair of favorite sneakers. I've chosen to take a picture of my New Balance, which I love a lot. I've really used them a lot which you might notice on the picture. hihi :) . It's the best bought I've ever done. I really love to wear sneakers!"

~ * ~

Jeg bukker mig i støvet og siger mange tak for billederne og tak for at I havde lyst til at deltage. 

I bend and thank everybody who as ben participating in the post - thank you so much for the pictures and the time you've spent!

7 kommentarer:

  1. Well done Camilla :) It's nice to be included.

  2. I like the most the first one!

    I am following you now, would u follow me back?

    Much Love,
    Julie - http://juliechoice.blogspot.com/

  3. Love your post :) You are so great!!


  4. love the first ones ;)
    the shirt os from D&G but an old collection, don't know if they sell now :/


  5. Always so fun to see what are everyone's favorites!! :)

    xo, sam


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