En ny slags web-shop er fundet, princippet er ret smart. Det fungerer som en slags auktion af næsten nye ting, og derfor er prisen selvfølgelig mindre end original prisen. Der er vises gode billeder og mange er tingene synes jeg er ret lækre. Måske det kunne overvejes til næste gang pungen vejer for meget, at den skal på en shoppetur ;)
Siden: Blame it on fashion
A new kind of webshop is found and the principle is very clever. It works as a kind of auction of almost new items and therefore the price is lower than the original new-price. The pictures is good and many of the items seems nice. Maybe it could be considered to next time I feel my purse is too heavy, and it need to get on a diet with shopping ;)
The page: Blame it on fashion
Acne blazer
Acne pants
Divided skirt