mandag den 20. februar 2012

New In: Bracelets

Da jeg kom hjem den anden dag lå der en pakke på bordet til mig. Det var et guld armbånd jeg havde købt over e-bay og jeg havde sådan glædes mig til at det ville komme. Faktisk er jeg så glad for mit nye armbånd, at der sjældent er en dag hvor jeg ikke har den på. 
 I forgårs fik jeg endnu et nyt armbånd. Så nu kan jeg sige, at jeg er en heldig indehaver af et blåt læderrems armbånd af Julie Bach. Armbåndet er fra 1+1 textil, Århus. 

When I came home the other day a packed was waiting for me on the table. I've bought a golden bracelet on e-bay and I've been looking forward to receive it. Actually I like my new bracelet so much that there rarely is a day were I don't wear it. The day before yesterday I received another bracelet. So now I can say that I'm lucky to own a blue Julie Bach leather bracelet. The bracelet is from 1+1 textil, Aarhus. 

Nicely raped from E-bay, can it get any better?

4 kommentarer:

  1. how ironic is that.. I received also today from e-bay something I bough xD. I bought a ring.. actually some bracelets also, but they haven't arrived yet.
    Love these bracelets, cute!

    Julie -

    1. How funny. You can really buy great things on ebay!
      and we can confirm it ;)

  2. the are so nice. the golden one looks like the cartier one.


    (visit, comment and support me, i will do the same with you)

  3. pretty pretty!!!


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