Her kommer et post om min bachelor opgave, som jeg har brugt det sidste halve års tid på at skrive og udarbejde. Opgaven tager udganspunkt i, som titlen på postet nok antyder, undertektning nærmere sagt formidling af sprog og kultur. Filmen er italiensk og hedder "Benvenuti al sud" - Velkommen til syden (Syditalien). Det er en virkelig sjov og komisk film, og derfor har jeg også nydt at lave undertekster til den. Inden en oversættelse og undertekster udarbejdes, skal man være sikker på man forstår filmen, kulturen og kommunikationssituationerne godt - derfor har en analyse af interaktion, kropssprog, sproget m.m. været nødvendigt.
I kender nok alle sammen til det, at I ser en film og pludselig tænker I "hvad katten har de dog tænkt på da de oversatte? Det passer jo overhovedet ikke til det der bliver sagt". Faktisk, er det ikke en helt let sag og lave undertekster - vi har nemlig ikke ubegrænset mængder af plads. Samtidigt så er italiensk et sprog der både tales hurtigt, men også får sagt mange ting på kort tid fx bruger de ikke "jeg", "du", "I" osv. for det står implicit i verbet. Man skal altså oversætte meget velovervejet - og nogle gange, så tvinger en kort sekventering i filmen, en til at lave en mindre god oversættelse. Det betyder ikke, at oversætteren ikke kan sit kram.
Det spændende ved netop denne film er, at den er dyb præget af kultur - og der er meget forskel på kultur i Italien. Derfor skal mine undertekster oversætte mere end blot det der bliver sagt. Nogle gange er ordene, situationen, udtrykkenene eller hvad det nu måtte være, kulturel bestemt.
Nu vil jeg ikke sidde og genskrive hele opgaven - men det er lidt hvad jeg har fået tiden til at gå med. Idag er den blevet afleveret, sikke en fry - og nu afventer jeg spændt resultatet!

Here is a post regarding my theeses (I actually don't know if that is the right word in english, in italian it's calles "la tesi" - mah!) I've been working on through the last 6 month. The assignment is about making, as my title of the post applies, subtitles to the Italian movie "Benvenuti al sud" (Welcome to the south/south Italy). It's a really funny and comic movie - and I've enjoyed working with it. Before making subtitles you need to make sure, that you understand the movie, language and the culture. Therefore I analyzed of the interaction, the body language and the use of language before translating it.
You all might just have experienced; you are watching a subtitle movie and the subtitles are translated in a good way and you're thinking "What did the translator think of while making the subtitles? It's not right." But actually it's not always a piece of cake to make subtitle. The italian language is also a very fast-speaking language and they are saying very much in very small sentence for example they rarely use "I", "you", "he" etc. and if the sequences are very short it doesn't make it any easier. So sometimes you need to adjust your translation and you are forced to make it less correct. And I'll point out; this doesn't mean that the translator doesn't know what he is doing.
The most interesting about this film is that it's colored by the italian culture (and there is more than one italian culture! here: north and south). This means that my subtitles need to translate more than just words - I need to translate the culture as well. Sometimes the situation, language, bodylanguage are cultural defined.
Well I'm not going to bable about the hole assignment - I just wanted to share some of the aspect with you. I handed it in today, what a release, it's done - and now I'll just wait and see for the result.
I kender nok alle sammen til det, at I ser en film og pludselig tænker I "hvad katten har de dog tænkt på da de oversatte? Det passer jo overhovedet ikke til det der bliver sagt". Faktisk, er det ikke en helt let sag og lave undertekster - vi har nemlig ikke ubegrænset mængder af plads. Samtidigt så er italiensk et sprog der både tales hurtigt, men også får sagt mange ting på kort tid fx bruger de ikke "jeg", "du", "I" osv. for det står implicit i verbet. Man skal altså oversætte meget velovervejet - og nogle gange, så tvinger en kort sekventering i filmen, en til at lave en mindre god oversættelse. Det betyder ikke, at oversætteren ikke kan sit kram.
Det spændende ved netop denne film er, at den er dyb præget af kultur - og der er meget forskel på kultur i Italien. Derfor skal mine undertekster oversætte mere end blot det der bliver sagt. Nogle gange er ordene, situationen, udtrykkenene eller hvad det nu måtte være, kulturel bestemt.
Nu vil jeg ikke sidde og genskrive hele opgaven - men det er lidt hvad jeg har fået tiden til at gå med. Idag er den blevet afleveret, sikke en fry - og nu afventer jeg spændt resultatet!
Here is a post regarding my theeses (I actually don't know if that is the right word in english, in italian it's calles "la tesi" - mah!) I've been working on through the last 6 month. The assignment is about making, as my title of the post applies, subtitles to the Italian movie "Benvenuti al sud" (Welcome to the south/south Italy). It's a really funny and comic movie - and I've enjoyed working with it. Before making subtitles you need to make sure, that you understand the movie, language and the culture. Therefore I analyzed of the interaction, the body language and the use of language before translating it.
You all might just have experienced; you are watching a subtitle movie and the subtitles are translated in a good way and you're thinking "What did the translator think of while making the subtitles? It's not right." But actually it's not always a piece of cake to make subtitle. The italian language is also a very fast-speaking language and they are saying very much in very small sentence for example they rarely use "I", "you", "he" etc. and if the sequences are very short it doesn't make it any easier. So sometimes you need to adjust your translation and you are forced to make it less correct. And I'll point out; this doesn't mean that the translator doesn't know what he is doing.
The most interesting about this film is that it's colored by the italian culture (and there is more than one italian culture! here: north and south). This means that my subtitles need to translate more than just words - I need to translate the culture as well. Sometimes the situation, language, bodylanguage are cultural defined.
Well I'm not going to bable about the hole assignment - I just wanted to share some of the aspect with you. I handed it in today, what a release, it's done - and now I'll just wait and see for the result.
The result in three copies:
thats funny!!:O
I loved that movie, it is so funny! Thanks a lot for stopping by on my blog! Kisses from Italy! xoxo
SvarSletthat movie is very nice and funny!
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Thanks a lot for your comment!!! i start following, hope you'll follow back!!!
SvarSletI loved this movie, so funny and clever!!! xoxo
tak for kommentaren på vores blog :)
Putting subs on a movie must be pretty hard, not an easy task, it's great you know my language - italian - and you also know danish ! I loved that movie, you know ! Baci
SvarSletYou're invited to enter my Valentine's giveaway to win 120 $ gift certificate and tights on Romwe.com !
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