onsdag den 18. april 2012

Discovered My True Body-shape

Nej nej nej, kender I det? Man forelsker sig i en kjole på nettet, man bestiller den hjem med tanken om, at den kun kan side på en som smør (et udtryk jeg bruger, når tøj sidder helt perfekt og lækkert). Så kommer den hjem, og hvad opdager du? Du ligner en stor deform pakke magarine. Suk.

Konklusion: Jeg skal ikke bare begynde at løbe oftere, jeg skal også starte på at svømme!
Og måske skifte min nuværende morgenmad ud med frugt!

Jeg bliver jo nød til at blive bikini-klar alligevel, så hvorfor ikke starte efter denne åbenbaring?!

~ * ~

Nooo! Does it ever happen to you? You fall in love with a dress online, you order it with the thoughts that it must be perfect on you. You wait with great patient for it to arrive and can't wait to try this master piece on, and when it arrives, and what do you discover? You discover that your body might not have that perfect shape that you thought. It looks like a deform muffin - with now shape! How can that be possible?!

Conclusion: I must not only start running more, I should start swimming too!
And maybe change my beakfirst happits and start eating fruit for breakfirst instead. A deep sigh!

I need to be bikini-ready for summer, so why not start now after having this revelation?!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Ohhhhhhhhh beautiful blog!!!


  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog :) we could follow each other, what do you think?


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